Please be in prayer for a couple of members who are facing recent bereavement: Sis. Staci Torrence (the death of her father) and Sis. Diana Neal (the sudden death of her sister).
We continue our Discipleship Journey in Bible Study. Now we're looking at the basic doctrines of the Christian faith. On Wednesday, we'll be looking at the Doctrine of Humanity.
The next Elder-led Prayer will be held on Wednesday, May 24th, from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. Everyone is invited to join us as we focus on specific prayer needs. If you are not able to attend but have prayer requests, you can place them in the prayer requests box on the table at the back of the church, use the Connections card, or submit them online.
VBS is approaching! Deacon Bobby and Deaconess Tracy Dunn and Sis. Kelly Smith gave a brief presentation for our Vacation Bible School in June. VBS will be from Wednesday, 6/21, to Sunday, 6/25. The theme is "Passport to Peru: Discovering God's Good Gifts". Remember, VBS will be here at Mt. Zion, NOT in Peru (Sorry Kelly!).
May is Mental Health Awareness. We must remove the stigma of mental health issues in the church. It's a false assumption that a Christian is always “happy”. A Christian can struggle with mental health issues (including depression) and yet have the joy of the Lord. I want to encourage you that if you are struggling with depression or other mental health issues, please seek help. It's okay to see a counselor or therapist. It's okay to take medication if you need it. Take medication but keep your trust in Jesus. Please check with your deacon, the church office, or myself if you need recommendations for resources. I also had a few specially packaged audio CDs of my sermon series on depression, Gospel Light in Deep Darkness, that I gave away after the service. If you would like a copy of the series, you can order it online. The series was delivered in the month of September 2016.
We continue our Discipleship Journey in Bible Study. Now we're looking at the basic doctrines of the Christian faith. On Wednesday, we'll be looking at the Doctrine of Humanity.
The next Elder-led Prayer will be held on Wednesday, May 24th, from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. Everyone is invited to join us as we focus on specific prayer needs. If you are not able to attend but have prayer requests, you can place them in the prayer requests box on the table at the back of the church, use the Connections card, or submit them online.

May is Mental Health Awareness. We must remove the stigma of mental health issues in the church. It's a false assumption that a Christian is always “happy”. A Christian can struggle with mental health issues (including depression) and yet have the joy of the Lord. I want to encourage you that if you are struggling with depression or other mental health issues, please seek help. It's okay to see a counselor or therapist. It's okay to take medication if you need it. Take medication but keep your trust in Jesus. Please check with your deacon, the church office, or myself if you need recommendations for resources. I also had a few specially packaged audio CDs of my sermon series on depression, Gospel Light in Deep Darkness, that I gave away after the service. If you would like a copy of the series, you can order it online. The series was delivered in the month of September 2016.