We had a wonderful My Hope Sunday. A good number of guests were present. The Gospel was presented throughout the service, a young lady came forward for rededication, and we had a good time of fellowship afterward. All glory to God!
The sermon was "The God Who Forgives Sin" from Mark 2:1-12 (as part of our series in Mark). The paralytic along with his friends came in faith to Jesus and received far more than they expected but got exactly what was needed. The paralytic received the full forgiveness of sins. They knew that Jesus could meet their needs, they were just wrong on what their greatest need was.
So today, instead of focusing on your circumstances, truly think about your greatest need. Your greatest need is not to have a better spouse or better children. Your greatest need is not a better job with more income. Your greatest need is not more resources, power, or money. Just like this paralytic, your greatest need is for Jesus Himself. Our greatest need is to have our sins forgiven by trusting in Jesus as our Lord and Savior!
Can you be forgiven? Yes. There is nothing you have done that God cannot forgive. Who can forgive you of your sins? Jesus can. Jesus forgives the sins of all who come to Him in faith. Jesus is the God who forgives sin.
So what are some next steps after My Hope Sunday? Please follow-up with your guests this week to talk about the service. This will be a great opportunity to engage them in conversation about what they thought about the message and to share your testimony about how the Gospel has changed your life. If in the midst of your subsequent conversations, you find that your guest has come to saving faith in Jesus, then encourage them to take the next steps of getting baptized and joining a church. Plus you should consider discipling them as young believers in the faith. If you need resources for discipling, let me know. If your guests did not make it, keep inviting them. In fact, invite them back for this Sunday (3/19) because the next message in Mark would also be a great one for them to hear. Most importantly, keep praying for your guests and those in your sphere of influence that are unsaved to place their faith in Jesus. And take advantage of every opportunity to share the Gospel with them.
Join us again on Wednesday at 7pm for our Bible Study series called the Journey. This Wednesday, we'll look at Jesus equipping His disciples. Jesus gives His disciples what they need to engage His mission for the world.
Married and engaged couples: Don't forget to register for our upcoming workshop on The 5 Love Languages. The workshop will be held on Saturday, March 18th, from 10am to 3pm. Please join us as we discover our love languages and enjoy fellowship with other couples.

So today, instead of focusing on your circumstances, truly think about your greatest need. Your greatest need is not to have a better spouse or better children. Your greatest need is not a better job with more income. Your greatest need is not more resources, power, or money. Just like this paralytic, your greatest need is for Jesus Himself. Our greatest need is to have our sins forgiven by trusting in Jesus as our Lord and Savior!
Can you be forgiven? Yes. There is nothing you have done that God cannot forgive. Who can forgive you of your sins? Jesus can. Jesus forgives the sins of all who come to Him in faith. Jesus is the God who forgives sin.
So what are some next steps after My Hope Sunday? Please follow-up with your guests this week to talk about the service. This will be a great opportunity to engage them in conversation about what they thought about the message and to share your testimony about how the Gospel has changed your life. If in the midst of your subsequent conversations, you find that your guest has come to saving faith in Jesus, then encourage them to take the next steps of getting baptized and joining a church. Plus you should consider discipling them as young believers in the faith. If you need resources for discipling, let me know. If your guests did not make it, keep inviting them. In fact, invite them back for this Sunday (3/19) because the next message in Mark would also be a great one for them to hear. Most importantly, keep praying for your guests and those in your sphere of influence that are unsaved to place their faith in Jesus. And take advantage of every opportunity to share the Gospel with them.
Join us again on Wednesday at 7pm for our Bible Study series called the Journey. This Wednesday, we'll look at Jesus equipping His disciples. Jesus gives His disciples what they need to engage His mission for the world.
Married and engaged couples: Don't forget to register for our upcoming workshop on The 5 Love Languages. The workshop will be held on Saturday, March 18th, from 10am to 3pm. Please join us as we discover our love languages and enjoy fellowship with other couples.