Fasting & Praying for Lent, Jesus Teaching His Disciples, My Hope is 3/12 (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/5)
The season of Lent has started (40 days to Easter not counting
Sundays). Check out this video from Pastor Matt Chandler on the significance of prayer and fasting during Lent.
We're doing a church-wide time of prayer and fasting. We're asking everyone to do a partial fast. A partial fast is where you choose to abstain from certain foods and drinks instead of complete abstinence of all foods. Others may choose to fast from television, computer, newspaper, hobbies, etc. This will help you free up some time to spend in prayer and reflection. Here are some things to pray about during your fast: your discipleship (walk with Christ) and for boldness and empowerment to disciple someone else.
Join us again on Wednesday at 7pm for our Bible Study series called the Journey. This Wednesday, we'll look at Jesus teaching His disciples. Disciples are called to learn about Jesus and learn from Jesus.
Mark your calendar for our Spring Spruce Up on 3/25 from 9am to 12pm. All are invited to come out and help us keep our church facilities clean.

Next Sunday, 3/12, is MyHope Outreach Sunday, where all of our members are asked to commit to inviting at least one unbeliever or unchurched person to join us at church. During that service, we will share the hope we have in Jesus Christ. After the service, we'll have Food Trucks here so you can purchase lunch and fellowship with your guests.
Deacon David Bowser shared with testimony about how God used various situations in his life such as the death of his mother, illness of his grandmother, and job situation to let him know that his relationship with God is the most important thing.
We brought our commitment cards with the name of those we are inviting to My Hope Sunday to the altar and prayed over these names for God to save and transform these individuals.
We're doing a church-wide time of prayer and fasting. We're asking everyone to do a partial fast. A partial fast is where you choose to abstain from certain foods and drinks instead of complete abstinence of all foods. Others may choose to fast from television, computer, newspaper, hobbies, etc. This will help you free up some time to spend in prayer and reflection. Here are some things to pray about during your fast: your discipleship (walk with Christ) and for boldness and empowerment to disciple someone else.
Join us again on Wednesday at 7pm for our Bible Study series called the Journey. This Wednesday, we'll look at Jesus teaching His disciples. Disciples are called to learn about Jesus and learn from Jesus.
Mark your calendar for our Spring Spruce Up on 3/25 from 9am to 12pm. All are invited to come out and help us keep our church facilities clean.

Next Sunday, 3/12, is MyHope Outreach Sunday, where all of our members are asked to commit to inviting at least one unbeliever or unchurched person to join us at church. During that service, we will share the hope we have in Jesus Christ. After the service, we'll have Food Trucks here so you can purchase lunch and fellowship with your guests.
Deacon David Bowser shared with testimony about how God used various situations in his life such as the death of his mother, illness of his grandmother, and job situation to let him know that his relationship with God is the most important thing.
We brought our commitment cards with the name of those we are inviting to My Hope Sunday to the altar and prayed over these names for God to save and transform these individuals.