Mt. Zion as a church family will be fasting for the Lent season which begins on tomorrow (3/9) on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday (before Easter). Fasting is the voluntary act of abstaining from something for the purpose of growing in self-discipline. As Christians, we find our security and satisfaction in Christ. Therefore, we can give up something because Christ means more to us than whatever we are giving up. We ask everyone to join us for a partial fast for Lent. There are 40 days in Lent (not counting the Sundays).
A partial fast is where you choose to abstain from certain foods and drinks instead of complete abstinence. The Bible tells us that Daniel abstained from bread, water, and wine for 21 days (Daniel 10:3). Others may choose to fast from television, computer, newspaper, and hobbies. This will help you free up some time to spend in prayer and reflection.
Also, we will anoint with ashes for Ash Wednesday right after Bible Study tomorrow (around 7:50pm). Join us for this time of reflection as we mourn and repent of our sins.