We still need 7 more men to help disciple some of our boys. I know that it's going to be a sacrifice of time, but this is what Jesus commanded us to do. And we cannot complain about the state of our young men if we are not willing to take the time ourselves to work with them.
Check out my other blog entry for where you can buy the Disciplemaker's Handbook for $12 or less.
The Women's Ministry will be hosting a Fellowship Breakfast on Sat., Jan. 26th at 9:00am. I hope everyone planning to attend signed up at the Welcome Center so the ministry will have an accurate count of attendance.
We are proud to announce the Single Sip Café for all singles (18 years and up). So starting next Sun., Jan. 27th at 8:30am in Adult Classroom 3, singles can get together for fellowship, study, and light refreshments.
Check out my other blog entry for where you can buy the Disciplemaker's Handbook for $12 or less.
The Women's Ministry will be hosting a Fellowship Breakfast on Sat., Jan. 26th at 9:00am. I hope everyone planning to attend signed up at the Welcome Center so the ministry will have an accurate count of attendance.
We are proud to announce the Single Sip Café for all singles (18 years and up). So starting next Sun., Jan. 27th at 8:30am in Adult Classroom 3, singles can get together for fellowship, study, and light refreshments.