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Recently Came Forward, Church Family Meeting, COVID-19 on the rise (Pastoral Emphasis for 8/11)

We welcome the following who recently came forward. Both grew up in Mt. Zion but are now joining as adults.

  • Lauran Lucas - Joined on Christian Experience as an Adult Member
  • Briana Martin – Returning and rejoining as an Adult Member


We had our Church Family Meeting today after the service. A few items that we covered at the meeting:

  • Return of Elder & Sis. Dunn from Sabbatical: I'm happy to announce that Elder Bobby & Sis. Tracy Dunn are returning to ministry after their year long sabbatical. They are going to be progressively resuming ministry responsibilities back. Their primary focus will be on goals and planning for next year.
  • Kitchen Policy: There are a lot of people who have keys and access to the kitchen. So we need every ministry that would like to use the kitchen to adhere to our written “Kitchen Guidelines and Procedures”. The HOSTS ministry would do training for the ministry wanting to use kitchen. We are changing the locks because we have not been operating under the Local Health Department standards and we want to ensure we are complying to good safe practices. 
  • Update on Mortgage Burning Service: The date will be Sunday, October 6th, which is 17 years to the date of us moving from our previous location at 8500 Chapel Hill Drive. The service will take place after the morning service and will last about 20 minutes. The theme will be History of the Vision.

As I sent out last week in Realm, COVID-19 is on the rise in our area. We have several COVID cases reported by members. Again, I would encourage everyone to take all the necessary precautions to take care of yourself (like masks, frequent washing hands, avoid touching eyes and mouth when around others, staying home when not feeling well, etc.). And we'll be sanitizing the sanctuary and other rooms after church servicesa and events to make sure it's clean.


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