During the month of July, we're having a clothing drive to help Love From Above which ministers to the homeless. They are in desperate need of more supplies, in particular men's clothing (sizes M, L, XL; shoes; belts; underwear)
Do you want to learn how to lead and engage with small groups and make disciples? If so, our Christian Education Ministry is sponsoring a Small Group Leader Certification on 8/3 from 9am to 12pm. It’s open to anyone seeking to advance the Kingdom by committing to make disciples as a certified small group leader. Please register by 7/31.
Also, on 8/3, we're having a “Family Game Night” from 4 pm - 7 pm (hosted by Men's, Women's, and Youth Ministry). The first 50 people to register will be entered into a drawing for a gift card, but you must be present to win! There will also be a friendly competition of who will represent the most in attendance - Men or Women? All prizes will be announced at 'Family Game Night'. There will be food, fun, and games for the whole family! So come on out!
Next Sunday, I will be speaking at Cornerstone Fellowship Church in Apex for their morning service. I solicit your prayers that I would serve them well with the Word of God.
Due to my speaking engagement, we're moving our next Church Family Meeting to Sunday, 8/11.