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Clothing Drive, Church-Wide Prayer Gathering, Leviticus Bible Study (Pastoral Emphasis for 7/14)

Please pray for the following families experiencing bereavement

  • Our dear friend and former member, Sis. Jackie Wooten, who laid her husband to rest on last Monday. 
  • Sis. Tasha Jones, who lost her brother and he was laid to rest yesterday. 

Love From Above is a ministry that a couple of our members (Sis. Marlene Pritchett & Joanne O'Neal Johnson) started a ministry to provide clothing to the homeless. They are in desperate need of more supplies, in particular men's clothing (sizes M, L; shoes; belts; underwear). During the month of July, we're having a clothing drive to help Love From Above. If you would like to help serve, Love From Above distributes items at Oak City Shelter in Raleigh every third Saturday from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 

Our next church-wide prayer gathering is Tuesday, 7/16, from 7 to 8pm. Our Oneness Couples Ministry is hosting but everyone is invited for corporate prayer. You can also submit your prayer requests online or in the box at the back of the sanctuary. 


Even if you've been missing the Leviticus Bible Study on Wednesdays, I want to invite you to join us this Wednesday as we're going to address the objection people make when they say Christians are inconsistent about which laws we follow from the Old Testament. So if we point out from the OT that certain sexual activity is sin, people will say “but you eat pork”. So join us on Wednesdays at 7pm as we address this issue and dig deeper into Leviticus.


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