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Finish Well, Welcome to New Members, Congrats to Newlyweds (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/30)

My sermon today was on Joshua 13-19 on the subject "Finish Well".  God has not saved us to start the Christian race, face hardships and spiritual battles, and not finish! God wants us to finish well. Even after all of our spiritual victories, there remains more work for us to do. We have not arrived. While we still have breath and with whatever measure of strength we have, we must continue to serve God. It's never too late to serve God, so stop making excuses. Don't delay; your inheritance is guaranteed. God has given us the victory, but we must not be complacent so we can finish well in our calling.

We're taking another break from Joshua. We'll return in August to wrap up the series.

We welcome one who has recently come forward to join the church under Watch Care: Sis. Kelly Macklin

We also welcome Bro. Jadon Roberts as an adult member after completing NMO and his membership interview).

After the service, Isiah Smith and Ashante Ramirez exchanged vows and got married. Congratulations to the newlywed couple!


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