I preached on Joshua 3-4 today. Now we'll be taking a break from Joshua until April.
We welcome Sis. Olivia Mudd who recently joined on Christian Experience
Happy Birthday to our March babies...
Happy Anniversary to our March couples...
Congrats to Lance and Pamela Armour who got married yesterday. They will join the March Anniversaries.
Our March Senior Birthday Surprise goes to Sis. Sarah Payne.
We are looking for Change Makers to assist with VBS 2024. We are forming committees for Teaching (Adult/Youth/Children), Hospitality Resources (Such as connections for food or music), Teams Coordinator (Coordinating with other ministries), Media, Greeters, Decor, Clean-up Crew, and Skits. Do you have strengths in any of these areas and would like to join a committee to help with planning? Come to the VBS Planning Committee Meeting on 3/17 directly after service to find out more about how to get involved.
Our 2024 Bible Bowl will be on 4/27 from 12-2pm. Please register as a team or individual to be assigned to a team by 3/10. Teams will be 3-5 people. Sample study questions and rules of play will be sent out.
My Hope Sunday is next Sunday where we are commiting to invite at least one unbeliever or unchurched person to join us at church on March 10. People submitted the name of those they are inviting and we prayed over those names that they would attend the service, hear the gospel, and be saved. As we lead up to My Hope Sunday, we are sharing testimonies from members. (Tasha Smith)