Have you ever been deeply hurt by the church? We all have the ability to cause church hurt, whether intentional or not. This kind of hurt is a pain that distances sufferers from their communities and from God. Join us for our next Theological Seminar on 10/7 addressing Church Hurt. Pastor Jerome Gay Jr. will be discussing the topic of his latest book, "Church Hurt: Holding the Church Accountable and Helping Hurt People Heal". This is a seminar you won’t want to miss. Register TODAY!
We are having an Evening of Praise event on Saturday, Sept. 30th at 4:00 pm. Mt Zion Choirs and Fine Arts will be ministering along with invited guest. Anyone with gifts and talents of Singing, Dance, Spoken Word, etc. are welcome to participate in this event. For more information, contact Spence Martin, Danelle Clark, and Ebony Mouzone
Today at 4 pm, I'm speaking at Christ First Christian Fellowship Center for their Ushers & Greeters 15th Anniversary. Everyone is to come out and support.
My Hope Sunday is Oct. 8. All of our members are asked to commit to inviting at least one unbeliever or unchurched person to join us at church on My Hope Sunday. During that service, we will share the hope we have in Jesus Christ. We have Commitment Cards if you need one to write the name of those you plan to invite. Plan to bring your cards with you next Sunday so we can pray over these names. To get ready for My Hope Sunday, we'll be sharing testimonies about our hope in Jesus Christ. Here is a testimony from Deaconess Cynthia Jones, Sis. Karen Gray, and Sis. Danelle Clark about serving with Kairos Prison Ministry to share their hope with those incarcerated.