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Showing posts from May, 2023

Welcome New Member, VBS, Mental Health Awareness (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/28)

Please keep Minister of Music Spence Martin and his family in your prayers after the passing of his mother. Welcome to the following New Member who completed NMO and his membership interview: Howard Evans  Vacation Bible School will be 6/21-23, 6:30-8:30pm (nightly with dinner), and then wrap up on Sunday, 6/25. How do I get involved? Oh, we are so glad you asked! There is something for everyone! You can sign up to participate in skits, teach, decorate, facilitate activities, clean up, and/or set up for the next day of events. If none of the above sounds exciting enough or you are feeling really amped to get involved in other ways, check out our Amazon wish list and donate some of the really neat activities, décor, and/or supplies. l For questions or more information, contact Tina Wyche. May is Mental Health Awareness. We need to break the stigma in the church. This week, our goal will be to encourage individuals to seek help if they need it, as well as show the importance of ...

VBS, Habakkuk Sermon Series, Mental Health Awareness (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/21)

Vacation Bible School will be 6/21-23, 6:30-8:30pm (nightly with dinner) and then wrap up on Sunday, 6/25. The theme is about being Change Makers . There will be music, Bible trivia, art, evangelism, and drama. VBS is for the whole family. Registration is open now.      Habakkuk Sermon Series Next Sunday, we’re starting a new sermon series in Habakkuk called F aith in Confusing Times . Just like Habakkuk, we live in a time of chaos and injustice. And just like Habakkuk, we may wonder why God seems to not be doing anything about it. Join us for this series about having faith when life doesn’t make sense.    May is Mental Health Awareness Month . We need to break the stigma in the church. This week will be on promoting acceptance and compassion surrounding mental illness. Language matters; let’s work together to avoid derogatory terms. The language we use to talk about mental health can either perpetuate prejudice and discrimination or promote acceptance and ...

Happy Mother's Day, Prayer Rally, Mental Health Awareness: Self-Care (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/14)

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers! But we should acknowledge that Mother's Day can be a tough day for many. Some of us have lost our mother. Take comfort in God, our heavenly Father. The Bible says that God watches over His people like a hen who protects her chicks under her wings. If you are in Christ and your mother was in Christ, then you shall see her again. Some mothers have lost children (some by miscarriages or abortion). God has mercy on children, and I do believe you shall see your child one day in eternity. And even if you have aborted a baby, there is forgiveness in Christ. Christ can remove your shame and guilt. There is no condemnation for those in Christ!  There are some women who desire to have children, but it has not happened yet. Trust in the sovereignty of God and know that your self-worth and identity are not in motherhood, but it is in Jesus Christ.  For all you mothers who feel like you don't measure up, you don't have to be perfect, Christ was pe...

May Birthdays & Anniversaries, Sisterhood Week, Mental Health Awareness (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/7)

We welcome those who recently joined the church... Howard Evans - Joined on Christian Experience  Keith Jones - Former member rejoining on Christian Experience  Happy Birthday to our May babies (including myself)... Happy Anniversary to our May couples... Our May Senior Birthday Surprise is Bro. Bert Dupree! Ladies, next Sunday the Women's Ministry will kick off Sisterhood Week with prayer at 8am and... (S) unday's Best in Hat and Heels on Mother's Day Monday is (I) nvite a sister (to Prayer Rally, Bible Study)  Tuesday is (S )hare your praise testimony at the Prayer Rally  Wednesday is (T) ake the time to pray  Thursday is (E) ncourage a sister  Friday is (R) elax and reconnect with your sisters  Saturday is (S) erve with your sisters  May is Mental Health Awareness month .  We need to break the stigma in the church. This week, we want to focus on spreading acceptance and support for the people we know and love who are experiencing ment...