As part of Black History Month, we are showing the movie UNSPOKEN on Friday at 6pm. This documentary takes an in-depth look into the Christian heritage of Africa and people of African descent, intended to dispel the notion of Christianity being an exclusively white man’s religion. Join us for pizza, popcorn, and serious dialogue. Guests are welcome!
Ladies, your next time of teaching, encouraging, and affirming (Titus 2 TEA) is Saturday starting at 9am.
Here are 3 things to remember this Happy Valentine's Day:
- Every person has a different story and situation
- Whether you are married, single, dating, not dating, divorced, or widowed, I want you to know that you are seen and loved. You are loved in this church even if you don't feel it outside of the church.
- Everyone is loved by God, regardless of what you’ve done or who you are
- No matter what emotions Valentine's Day may bring, I want you to know that God loves you. No matter what failures you've had in relationships, God loves you.
- You can celebrate more than romantic love this Valentine’s Day
- You can expand Valentine's Day to not just show love to a significant other but to love those around you, family, friends, including people who aren’t easy to love.