January Birthdays & Anniversaries, New Elder Candidate, MLK Dreamfest Weekend (Pastoral Emphasis for 1/8)
Welcome to all who recently came forward to join the church:
- Brittany Tinnin - Joined on Christian Experience
- William & Patricia Weeks - Joined on Christian Experience
- Warren Carrington - Joined, Rededicated His Life to Christ, and
- Mickell Daley - Joined, Trusted Christ as Personal Savior
- Wayne & Tomeico Faison - Joined on Christian Experience
I am pleased to announce that Deacon Larry Fortenberry will become an elder candidate!
Happy Birthdays to our January babies...
Happy Anniversary to our January couples...
And James and Annie Brice will be celebrating 47 years on 1/9.
Our Senior Birthday Surprise for January is Sis. Thelma Hunter.
The Titus 2 Women's Ministry gave special recognition and a gift to Deacon Perry Johnson for all his help with setups for Titus 2 events.
In celebration of the legacy of Dr. Martin L. King Jr., Mt. Zion has
partnered with the Town of Cary to participate in the MLK 2023 Dreamfest weekend, Jan 13-16, 2023. On Saturday, Jan 14, at 6pm, there will be an event at the Cary Arts
Center featuring Min. Brandi Hancock as the Mistress of Ceremonies. On Monday, Jan 16th at 9 am, we are sponsoring a WALK FOR HOPE!
We are partnering with Hope Connection International to raise awareness for survivors of abuse & addiction. In addition, to the walk (approx 1 mile), there will be a short program and activities for the children. We will be collecting much-needed items for the organization. Please bring the following donations to the walk: Hair products, feminine products, detergent, non-perishable foods & snacks (including cereal & noodles), rolls of quarters (for the laundromat), kid’s drink packs, and kitchen utensils are highly appreciated.