Today is the conclusion of our VBS Food Truck Party. We've been on a roll with God. Our theme is God is good and God is great. Our memory verse is Matthew 6:11 (ESV): "Give us this day our daily bread".
On Wednesday, we looked at how God provided manna and quail in Exodus 16.
On Thursday, we looked at Elijah, the widow, and the endless supply of oil in 1 Kings 17.
On Friday, we looked at Daniel and friends eating the good stuff in Daniel 1.
On Saturday, we looked at Jesus feeding the 5000 (and more) in John 6.
Today, we looked at Jesus cooking the catch of the day from John 21:1-17 in the sermon, "It is the Lord".
- Bro. Mike Jerkins (passing of his mother)
- Sis. Cheryl Martin (passing of two aunts)
We welcome the following family who has recently joined:
Latisha Boney and her sons, Kaleb (age 15) and Kaiden Hunter (age 11) joined on Christian Experience and are Candidates for Baptism.
Last Sunday, our Youth Ministry went out to do street evangelism, sharing the Gospel through Word and action in Durham. They encountered drug addicts, prostitutes, alcoholics, and the homeless. The youth passed out hygiene kits, food, and Gospel tracts and shared the love of Christ and prayed for all that would welcome prayer. The youth represented Mt Zion very well but most importantly represented Christ!
We'll be doing a special session on how Christians should think biblically about the overturning of Roe vs. Wade and abortion.
My family and I will be out next Sunday as we're taking a family trip to New York for the weekend. So we would appreciate your prayers.