Welcome to the Whiting family who recently joined Mt. Zion: Connie Whiting, her daughter Carla, and Carla's 3-year old daughter, Reign.
Our Growing Through Grief seminar is this Saturday, 2/26 starting at 9am. Our speaker will be Dr. Jamie Mitchell. Sessions will include “Defining Grief”, “How to Mourn and
Expressing it with Others”, and “Hope, Healing, and Sharing
Grief”. The seminar will be both in-person and live-streamed. Invite someone who you think would benefit from this seminar
dealing with various kinds of loss. Please register (especially if you plan to attend in person). You can
register in Realm or at the link for Eventbrite.
A survey for the Equip Conference was sent out last week. If you have not done so, please take the survey to help us plan for the conference. We'll end the survey on Friday.
Our next My Hope Sunday will be 3/13. My Hope Sunday is our outreach Sunday where we ask every member to invite an unbeliever or unchurched person to attend church either in-person or virtually on that Sunday. Start praying about who you will commit to inviting and bring those names on 3/6.