The elders and I will be evaluating the status of our services on a quarterly basis. As previously stated, this first quarter, we'll continue with our Virtual Services. We'll continue to monitor the situation with the pandemic to determine when we can have outdoor services and eventually in-door services.
Again, I want to encourage everybody to take advantage of how easy it is to attend our Virtual Bible Study and Foundation Fellowship classes now. There's really no excuse to miss them since you don't have to get dressed and come out to church. We have some exciting topics coming up in both classes. Next month in Foundation Fellowship, we're digging into how to delight in the Trinity. We're currently studying the book of Romans in Bible Study. If you can master Romans or better yet let Romans master you, you will definitely grow spiritually.
And don't forget to attend our monthly Virtual Prayer Rallies on the third Tuesday at 7pm. This is a great time of corporate prayer. Although our theme has changed, we continue to be a house of prayer.
As Minister Brandi Hancock stated after her sermon today, please reach out to someone if you need help. If you're experiencing anxiety, stress, depression, etc., please don't suffer alone. We are family and we want to be there for each other.