We continue in our new series, Praying the Psalms, with "A Psalm of Thanksgiving" based on Psalm 136. Download the Home Study Guide and Youth Personal Quiet Time to review and apply the sermon.
Praise is to admire or glorify God for who He is (His attributes) while thanksgiving often centers on thanking and showing gratitude to God for what He has done. Yet, praise and thanksgiving are so closely related and interconnected that it's hard to do one without the other. The one who praises God thanks Him too!
Our next Church-Wide Prayer Rally is Tuesday, July 21st, at 7:00pm on WebEx. Let's come together and pray. If you can't attend, you can submit your prayer requests online.
Next Sunday, we'll take a break from our series to have our Youth Sunday. Following the service, we'll have our Church Family Meeting via WebEx at 11:30 am. We will provide an update on our reopening plans as well as do a Board of Directors election. You'll receive a special WebEx link for the meeting this week.