Ladies, you are invited to a Women's Prayer Fellowship on 3/2 at 10 am for fellowship and discussion about prayer. A sign-up sheet will be located in the Welcome Center or you can register on Eventbrite. If you have any questions see Sis. Sandra Broadwater
Register online for our upcoming Theological Seminar on Saturday, February 23rd, at 9:00am where I will be teaching on "How to Interpret the Bible". When studying the Bible, we want to find the one meaning that the author intended (inspired by God). Join us and bring a friend!
Our next My Hope Sunday is 3/10. All of our members are asked to commit to inviting at least one unbeliever or unchurched person to join us at church on My Hope Sunday. During that service, we will share the hope we have in Jesus Christ. We have commitment cards where you can write down the name(s) of those you are committed to inviting. We will collect the commitment cards on 3/3. We also have invitation cards next week that you can use to invite others. Start praying about who you will invite for My Hope Sunday.
In preparation for My Hope, we'll be having testimonies from members about their hope in Jesus. Today, Sister Sandra Broadwater shared her testimony about how she put her trust in God during her back surgery and recovery. Her witness even touched the surgeon who operated on her. She also encouraged us to not isolate ourselves when we're going through hardship but let others in to help us.
Register online for our upcoming Theological Seminar on Saturday, February 23rd, at 9:00am where I will be teaching on "How to Interpret the Bible". When studying the Bible, we want to find the one meaning that the author intended (inspired by God). Join us and bring a friend!

In preparation for My Hope, we'll be having testimonies from members about their hope in Jesus. Today, Sister Sandra Broadwater shared her testimony about how she put her trust in God during her back surgery and recovery. Her witness even touched the surgeon who operated on her. She also encouraged us to not isolate ourselves when we're going through hardship but let others in to help us.