1 Thessalonians Bible Study Series, Suffering Well, Church-Wide Prayer Gathering (Pastoral Emphasis for 1/6)
Big congrats to Min. Brandi Hancock on the release of her debut solo album proclamation: The TRUTH! Please support her by picking up a copy!
Everyone is invited to join us on Wednesday, January 9th, at 7:00 pm as we kick off our first Bible Study series of the year with an exploration of the books of 1 Thessalonians.
Our church theme for 2019 is "Suffering Well Through Faith in Christ". It speaks to the reality that we will all suffer in some form in this life. It's not IF you will suffer, it's WHEN you will suffer. But how do we respond to suffering? My desire that we would endure suffering well, all to the glory of God!
Our next Church-Wide Prayer Gathering is Tuesday, January 8th, from 7 pm to 8 pm. Let's gather corporately and pray together. We have much to pray for! If you are currently going through suffering, I especially encourage you to come out so we can pray for you. If you are not able to attend but have prayer requests, you can submit them online.
Everyone is invited to join us on Wednesday, January 9th, at 7:00 pm as we kick off our first Bible Study series of the year with an exploration of the books of 1 Thessalonians.
Our church theme for 2019 is "Suffering Well Through Faith in Christ". It speaks to the reality that we will all suffer in some form in this life. It's not IF you will suffer, it's WHEN you will suffer. But how do we respond to suffering? My desire that we would endure suffering well, all to the glory of God!
Our next Church-Wide Prayer Gathering is Tuesday, January 8th, from 7 pm to 8 pm. Let's gather corporately and pray together. We have much to pray for! If you are currently going through suffering, I especially encourage you to come out so we can pray for you. If you are not able to attend but have prayer requests, you can submit them online.