Tragically, we have another school shooting, this time in Florida were 17 were killed. We should mourn with those
who have lost loved ones. When shootings like this continue to occur, people often ask "where was God?" Tragedies like this happen to remind us that things are not like they should be. We live in a fallen world due to sin. God allows tragedies so that people would repent and turn to Him. One day Jesus will return and set everything right. In the meantime, we must pray, spread the Gospel, make disciples, and love our neighbors.
Lent has started which is 40 days (not counting Sundays) that began on Ash Wednesday and will end on Easter Sunday, April 1st. For Lent, we're calling for a church-wide partial fast where you give up certain foods, drinks, or activities. Fasting is a way of disciplining ourselves to say that Jesus is better than whatever we're giving up. In addition to fasting, we should be praying. And we have much to pray for.
The Young Adults Ministry will be hosting a movie night for all married and non-married couples on on Friday, February 23 starting at 7 pm at the church. The last day to sign up is today after the service. If they have any questions that can contact Sis. Janelle Wallace.
Please register online for our next FREE Theological Seminar on "The Doctrine of Sanctification". We are declared holy when we are justified by God, but because we still sin, we need to be progressively made holy. That's sanctification. The seminar is Saturday, February 24th, from 9:00am to 11:15am featuring Dr. John Hammett from SEBTS. Come out and learn about this important doctrine. Light refreshments will be served.

The Young Adults Ministry will be hosting a movie night for all married and non-married couples on on Friday, February 23 starting at 7 pm at the church. The last day to sign up is today after the service. If they have any questions that can contact Sis. Janelle Wallace.
Please register online for our next FREE Theological Seminar on "The Doctrine of Sanctification". We are declared holy when we are justified by God, but because we still sin, we need to be progressively made holy. That's sanctification. The seminar is Saturday, February 24th, from 9:00am to 11:15am featuring Dr. John Hammett from SEBTS. Come out and learn about this important doctrine. Light refreshments will be served.