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Showing posts from March, 2017

Spring Spruce Up, Ordination Service, "Come Out From Among Them"? (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/26)

If you have not done so yet, please pick up your financial contribution statement from the Welcome Center. They will be disposed of after April 15th. Thanks for those who came out on Saturday for our Spring Spruce Up. Everyone was very cheerful, loving, and willing to work.  Here are some stats: 26 total members: 12 members (including one new member) and 14 leadership  All areas of the church were cleaned.  Total hours: 50.05 for a savings of $1,250.00 ($25 per cleaning hour)  Some great comments: “Where do you need me to work?” “I better get to cleaning because I want my windows to be "squeaky clean!”  Join us again on Wednesday at 7 pm for our Bible Study series called the Journey. This Wednesday, we'll wrap up our volume 1 with a time of review and fellowship. You can purchase your volume 2 book for $4 from Deacon Johnson. Sunday afternoon at 4 pm, I preached at New Dimensions Fellowship Church for their 13th church anniversary. I appreciated thos...

Speaking at New Dimensions, The Shack, CFCFC Founders Day (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/19)

Join us again on Wednesday at 7pm for our Bible Study series called the Journey. This Wednesday, we'll look at Jesus sending His disciples. Christ calls us to take the Gospel to the world. Our Spring Spruce Up is Saturday, 3/25, from 9am to noon.  Please come out to volunteer some time to help us clean and keep our facilities looking good. Next Sunday, 3/26, I'll be preaching at New Dimensions Fellowship Church at 4pm for their 13th church anniversary.  I'd appreciate your support if you can attend and definitely your prayers. So The Shack movie has hit the theaters (based on the best-selling book). It's Christian fiction and I would not even address it (there have been other fictional movies depicting God like Oh, God! and Bruce Almighty ) except for the fact that it's being marketed as something churches should be studying. They have a 5-week campaign and study designed to "help people experience the life-changing goodness, grace, and presence o...

The God Who Forgives Sin, My Hope Next Steps, Couples Workshop (Pastoral Emphasis from 3/12)

We had a wonderful My Hope Sunday. A good number of guests were present. The Gospel was presented throughout the service, a young lady came forward for rededication, and we had a good time of fellowship afterward. All glory to God! The sermon was "The God Who Forgives Sin" from Mark 2:1-12 (as part of our series in Mark). The paralytic along with his friends came in faith to Jesus and received far more than they expected but got exactly what was needed. The paralytic received the full forgiveness of sins. They knew that Jesus could meet their needs, they were just wrong on what their greatest need was. So today, instead of focusing on your circumstances, truly think about your greatest need. Your greatest need is not to have a better spouse or better children. Your greatest need is not a better job with more income. Your greatest need is not more resources, power, or money. Just like this paralytic, your greatest need is for Jesus Himself. Our greatest need is to have ou...

Fasting & Praying for Lent, Jesus Teaching His Disciples, My Hope is 3/12 (Pastoral Emphasis for 3/5)

The season of Lent has started (40 days to Easter not counting Sundays). Check out this video from Pastor Matt Chandler on the significance of prayer and fasting during Lent. We're doing a church-wide time of prayer and fasting. We're asking everyone to do a partial fast. A partial fast is where you choose to abstain from certain foods and drinks instead of complete abstinence of all foods. Others may choose to fast from television, computer, newspaper, hobbies, etc. This will help you free up some time to spend in prayer and reflection. Here are some things to pray about during your fast: your discipleship (walk with Christ) and for boldness and empowerment to disciple someone else. Join us again on Wednesday at 7pm for our Bible Study series called the Journey. This Wednesday, we'll look at Jesus teaching His disciples. Disciples are called to learn about Jesus and learn from Jesus. Mark your calendar for our Spring Spruce Up on 3/25 from 9am to 12pm. All are invit...