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Tragic Shootings, Call to Fast & Pray, A Prayer for Our Nation (Pastoral Emphasis for 7/10)

This has been a tough week in our nation. Again, two black men were senselessly killed by police and then evil men targeted and killed 5 police officers and injured even more. Killing police officers is NOT the answer.

As Martin Luther King Jr., said:
"The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it.Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. So it goes. Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." 
As the days are getting evil, this is why I have continuously been saying that we don't have time to "play church". It's time-out for nominal Christianity...a Christianity that costs nothing. Perhaps God has allowed these tragic events to happen to wake up the church! The Cross of Christ has removed the wall of hostility between ethnic groups and the church should lead the way of reconciliation.

Pastor Thabiti Anaybwile said it best in a series of tweets:
"There can no longer be room for the conceit and subterfuge that pretends innocence while literally standing by as Black people bleed out. There can be no ear given to soothingly deceitful voices whispering, "Peace, peace" when there is no peace. Judgment is coming on this land. And, oh, what a terrible Day of judgment it will be when an account is given for the Black lives brutalized, marginalized and stolen in the US! There will be many, thinking themselves sheep, placed on the left with goats because they HATED the "least of these." The shock that Day! This judgment will never end. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth! The worm will never die! For a single drop of water, they'll cry! But there will be no relief for those who gave no relief to the suffering, dying, oppressed, brutalized and savagely treated. No relief ever. Christ will say to many, "Depart from me you worker of iniquity; I never knew you." Those harrowing words will be your reward. Repent. For Christ's true people know what He requires of them. Love--even for enemies. And to love mercy, do justice and walk humbly. If you discover an appalling lack of love, justice, mercy and humility--be afraid. Repent in reverence. Live as God requires. Or face wrath. American sham Christianity is damning as many people to hell in a Christ-less eternity as atheism, relativism and any other -isms. This sham Christianity is blind to its neighbor, indifferent to suffering, opposed to justice, bankrupt of mercy and unwilling to repent. Away with this sham Christianity so unconcerned with the lives of men on earth that it has very little contact with heaven! Christ will judge this pagan nation with the wrath of the Lamb and He will spew this lukewarm church from His mouth! #ComeLordJesus" 
I'm calling for a corporate fast for Monday through Friday. You can fast from a meal, a particular food, activity, etc. Each day at noon, let's pray for our nation. In addition, pray for God to lead you on ways that you can take action (discipleship, mentoring, community involvement, etc.).

We prayed for our nation using this prayer from Dr. Ravi Zacharias:
"God, our heavenly Father, our minds go back to the day when Jesus knelt beside his beloved city and wept, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes” (Luke 19:42).
We sense so deeply the same reality. We weep for our cities even as we bury our dead. The sound of gunfire is the grim sound of what has already shattered our relationships. We are witnesses of distrust, revenge, and anger. We see no one to lead us and guide us. To whom shall we go?
Our differences seem to lead us even farther apart. Oh, Lord of miracles, do what only you can do to save us from ourselves. Give us men and women who will lead us to reconciliation. Give us leaders who will bind us up to heal our wounds, not those who will only incite more hate.
Give us voices that will bring hope and not despair. Please comfort the bereaved and give humility to the ones who are resistant to your ways. Give us pause so that we might sit back for just a few moments to look to you before we look at our impulsive solutions.
We shed another’s blood when we are without answers. You shed your own blood as our only answer. We kill, buried in despair. You rise, giving us hope.
You told Peter to put back his sword and you restored the one wounded. That’s what we long for. A reprimand to the one who would injure and a healing within the one injured. God of miracles, please do it again. We need you. Our nation needs you. Our leaders need you. Many a home today will not have a loved one returning. Without you we have no hope. With you all things are possible—even for beauty to come out of ashes. We pray for the day of unarmed truth and unconditional love. Please answer our prayer.
In the name of Jesus your Son, our only Savior, we ask this. Amen."


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