Support Our Fundraiser, Register for Women's Conference, Join a Life Group (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/12)
Thanks to all who came out and supported Project Freedom's fundraising event, "The Cost of Salvation". If missed it, you can order a DVD of it for $15 with the proceeds going to Mt. Zion. See Sis. Nadiyah Moore about ordering a DVD. And you can still give a donation towards the fundraiser. Just give online for Special Events and indicate it for "Cost of Salvation" or "church van".
Everyone is invited to join us again for our next Wednesday Family Worship on this Wednesday. Dinner at 6:00pm. Praise and Worship at 7:00pm, then Bible Study and we'll end at 8:00pm. On Wednesday, we're going to look at Psalm 51.
Ladies, have you registered for our Women's Conference, Daughters of the King, on October 25th at 10:00am? It's just $10 per person. Register online. See Sis. Sandra Broadwater for details.
Since part of the ministry of the church is to strengthen and encourage each other, I encourage everyone to join a Life Group.
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Find a Life Group that works for you and get connected!
Everyone is invited to join us again for our next Wednesday Family Worship on this Wednesday. Dinner at 6:00pm. Praise and Worship at 7:00pm, then Bible Study and we'll end at 8:00pm. On Wednesday, we're going to look at Psalm 51.
Ladies, have you registered for our Women's Conference, Daughters of the King, on October 25th at 10:00am? It's just $10 per person. Register online. See Sis. Sandra Broadwater for details.
Since part of the ministry of the church is to strengthen and encourage each other, I encourage everyone to join a Life Group.
Find a Life Group that works for you and get connected!