Yesterday's Theological Seminar on "How to Study the Bible" was a huge success. Looks like we have to invite Dr. Merkle to come back to do another seminar on this topic. If you missed it, you can watch it online in our archived section for previous services when it's available or you can get a DVD (contact the MarkITMedia team). We also have extra copies of handouts at the Welcome Center.
Next Sunday, we will celebrate Children's Day during the morning worship service. The children will be actively leading and participating in the service. So we'll take a break from Acts as we'll have a youth speaker. So come out to support but most importantly to worship God with our children.
Have you registered for VBS yet? Now is the time. VBS is June 9-13. Our theme is "God's Backyard Bible Camp Under the Sun." See the announcement for more details.
Join us this afternoon for the Initial Sermon of Deacon Patrick Wilson at 4:00pm. Don't miss this special occasion.
Sis. Danelle Gramble shared a testimony about her mission trip to South Africa. One of the astonishing thing she shared was the young lady she met who had never heard about God or Jesus. Just another reminder that the church's mission is urgent to spread the Gospel and make disciples of all nations.
Next Sunday, we will celebrate Children's Day during the morning worship service. The children will be actively leading and participating in the service. So we'll take a break from Acts as we'll have a youth speaker. So come out to support but most importantly to worship God with our children.
Have you registered for VBS yet? Now is the time. VBS is June 9-13. Our theme is "God's Backyard Bible Camp Under the Sun." See the announcement for more details.
Join us this afternoon for the Initial Sermon of Deacon Patrick Wilson at 4:00pm. Don't miss this special occasion.
Sis. Danelle Gramble shared a testimony about her mission trip to South Africa. One of the astonishing thing she shared was the young lady she met who had never heard about God or Jesus. Just another reminder that the church's mission is urgent to spread the Gospel and make disciples of all nations.