All Members, don't forget to update your contact information (address, phone numbers, email, etc.) with the church office to ensure that our records are accurate. This is especially important if you have made any recent changes.
Reminder: We're having a Whole Health Outreach Day on Saturday, February 22nd. The day will include an Onsite Mobile Dental Bus from 8:00am - 6:00pm. There will be two 1-hour Affordable Care Act Forums at 10am and 2pm, followed by Q&A about the new Healthcare laws and onsite sign-up for your healthcare plan. See the announcements for more details. See Sis. Tayon Dancy for more information.
Update: Our Church Spring Spruce Up will be 3/29 not 3/22. So mark your calendars and please join us in being good stewards over our building.
Our sermon today is on the importance of the church and then on Wednesday, we'll continue to look at the church in our Bible Study series, "Follow Me”. Join us to see how the church is an essential part of us being followers of Christ.

I gave away the book, "I am a Church Member" by Thom Rainer. It's a simple but powerful book on understanding what it means to be a committed member of a local church.
Congrats to Sis. Aprile Bailey on getting the book!
Since our launch of Life Groups, there have been a few amazing testimonies coming from various groups. Check out this video.
We highly encourage everyone to get connected to a Life Group. In a smaller group setting you can enjoy deeper fellowship with other believers.
Reminder: We're having a Whole Health Outreach Day on Saturday, February 22nd. The day will include an Onsite Mobile Dental Bus from 8:00am - 6:00pm. There will be two 1-hour Affordable Care Act Forums at 10am and 2pm, followed by Q&A about the new Healthcare laws and onsite sign-up for your healthcare plan. See the announcements for more details. See Sis. Tayon Dancy for more information.
Update: Our Church Spring Spruce Up will be 3/29 not 3/22. So mark your calendars and please join us in being good stewards over our building.
Our sermon today is on the importance of the church and then on Wednesday, we'll continue to look at the church in our Bible Study series, "Follow Me”. Join us to see how the church is an essential part of us being followers of Christ.
I gave away the book, "I am a Church Member" by Thom Rainer. It's a simple but powerful book on understanding what it means to be a committed member of a local church.
Congrats to Sis. Aprile Bailey on getting the book!
Since our launch of Life Groups, there have been a few amazing testimonies coming from various groups. Check out this video.
RSS or Email Subscribers click through here to view video.