We had a great start to our Wednesday Bible Study series, "Follow Me". Join us again this week (Wednesday at 7pm) as we look at how we are transformed as followers of Christ.
Are you in a LifeGroup? One of things we'll see in Acts is the importance of the church fellowshipping and sharing life together. We have new LifeGroups starting this month: Dinner Pals (feasting on God's Word thru a dining experience), SALT (Single And Learning Together), 7 X 70 (dealing with forgiveness). Visit our LifeGroups website or contact the Discipleship Ministry for more information.
The Women of Worship meet on Monday nights for Bible Study in Adult Classroom 1 at 6:30pm. This study is open to all women. Their newest study is "Life Principles from the Women of the Bible."
Are you in a LifeGroup? One of things we'll see in Acts is the importance of the church fellowshipping and sharing life together. We have new LifeGroups starting this month: Dinner Pals (feasting on God's Word thru a dining experience), SALT (Single And Learning Together), 7 X 70 (dealing with forgiveness). Visit our LifeGroups website or contact the Discipleship Ministry for more information.
The Women of Worship meet on Monday nights for Bible Study in Adult Classroom 1 at 6:30pm. This study is open to all women. Their newest study is "Life Principles from the Women of the Bible."