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Showing posts from May, 2013

Where is God (Moore, OK)?, Elder-led Prayer, Memorial Day (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/26)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Psalms 131, 138-139, 143-145  Many have heard about the devastating tornado that hit Moore, OK .  When natural disasters like this happen, you always get the questions about "where is God?".  When God does not immediately intervene in a way that we recognize, people begin to doubt His faithfulness and goodness. Remember, the Jews were in 400 years of slavery in Egypt. That meant many Hebrews were born, lived, and died as a slave without an apparent action or word from God.  I wonder how many of them asked the the same question about where was God?  But God did hear their cries . He sent a savior and mediator in the person of Moses.  And whenever Israel was oppressed by their enemies, God would send saviors in the form of judges, like Sampson. But these "mini-saviors" were just shadows of a greater Savior .  After 400 years of silence between the Old and New Testaments, God sent Jesus .  God kept His pr

Service at Cary Health & Rehab, VBS Registration, Give 5% More (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/19)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: 2 Samuel 19-21 This afternoon, the Missions Ministry, along with Zone 2 members, will be ministering at Cary Health & Rehab Center (Tryon Road) on at 2:00pm. All are invited to attend. VBS is scheduled for 6/10-14 and registration is currently underway. VBS is a great time of fun and learning for the whole family. You can register by the registration table, use the connection card, or sign-up online . For this quarter, we're asking our members to give at least 5% or more above your normal giving to help us meet our budget as we close on refinancing our bank loan.

Single-minded Focus on Christ, VBS Registration, Gospel for Mothers (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/12)

Last Sunday, we talked about how we should have single-minded focus and devotion to living for Christ. The soldier, athlete, and farmer do not get distracted by outside things. Watch this video featuring Pastor Paul Washer.                     (Click here if you can't see the video) Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Psalms 65-67,69-70 Thanks to all who attended this quarter's Theological Seminar on yesterday. We have extra handouts from the seminar at the Welcome Center. VBS is 6/10-14 and registration is underway. VBS is for the whole family, not just the children. You can register by the registration table, use the connection card, or sign-up online . Happy Mother's Day.  Paul commends Timothy's faith which mirrors the faith of his mother and grandmother . We must not underestimate the importance of mothers.  But I want to encourage all you ladies that no matter what's your situation, your identity is not in motherhood but in

Theological Seminar: The Doctrine of the Trinity

Register HERE

Register for Theological Seminar, 2013 JA Lewis Scholarship, Sacrificial Giving (Pastoral Emphasis for 5/5)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Psalms 1,2 , 15 , 22-24 , 47 , 68 Don't forget to register for our next Theological Seminar on May 11th at 9am. Dr. Pettegrew from Shepherds Theological Seminary will be back to teach on the Doctrine of the Trinity.  Come find out why this is an essential doctrine. So to teach falsely about the nature of God like TD Jakes has is to teach heresy. Sign up online TODAY. The 2013 J.A. Lewis Scholarship applications are now available from the church office. All application information should be submitted to church office by May 26th. If you attended the church family meeting, you know that God answered our prayers for refinancing our loan but you also know that we did not meet our budget for last quarter.  So I'm asking our members to sacrificially give at least 5% or more above your normal giving for this quarter to help us meet our budget while we move towards closing our refinance.