Since the election is Tuesday, I thought I would share a portion of this blog post. I'll be sending the whole thing out to our mailinglist on Monday.
Today at 4pm, Bro. Gerald Vinson delivered his Initial Sermon. He preached on faith from Hebrews 11:1. Thanks to all who came out to support Bro. Vinson.
I solicit your prayers as I will be conducting a workshop on evangelism and missions for a Missions Conference in Erwin, NC on Friday. I am grateful for the opportunity so pray that I will serve them well.
Pastor John from Uganda was with us again and shared some of his testimony and a praise report of how God has protected his wife while he is here in the U.S. The love offering for today will be going to Pastor John to support his ministry. I will be sharing more details in the future on how we can help Pastor John going forward.
Jesus' mission is bigger than next Tuesday’s election. Way bigger. The Great Commission summons to make disciples — both reaching out for more quantity and going deep for more quality — should relativize the stock Jesus' followers put in any political endeavor. Christians shouldn’t be dead-set on winning elections, but on making disciples. We put our best eggs in the disciplemaking basket, not the ballot box. We expect defeat in the short run, but triumph in the long haul. Lose the election, win the world. The Christian's trust is not in politics. Our hope for the future isn’t in the incumbent or the challenger, but in the God-man who promises that he will build his church and that his gospel will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all the nations. And his final instructions before taking to the air didn’t include a word about political activism, but focused clearly and concisely on making disciples. Christian, we have bigger fish to fry.
Today at 4pm, Bro. Gerald Vinson delivered his Initial Sermon. He preached on faith from Hebrews 11:1. Thanks to all who came out to support Bro. Vinson.
I solicit your prayers as I will be conducting a workshop on evangelism and missions for a Missions Conference in Erwin, NC on Friday. I am grateful for the opportunity so pray that I will serve them well.
Pastor John from Uganda was with us again and shared some of his testimony and a praise report of how God has protected his wife while he is here in the U.S. The love offering for today will be going to Pastor John to support his ministry. I will be sharing more details in the future on how we can help Pastor John going forward.