Prayer 2012 was on Tuesday and it was amazing! 92 churches from different denominations and ethnicities came together for an evening of worship and prayer. We pray confessed sins, repented, and prayed for God to move in the church and through the church to reach the lost and make disciples. We prayed that God would spark a revival in our churches!
Thanks to the Children's Ministry for volunteering yesterday at St. Andrew's Brown Bag Ministry to make and distribute food to those in need. Another opportunity to serve our community & spread the Gospel is this afternoon at 2pm when we minister at Cary Health & Rehab.
We have Voter's Guides for the NC races. Pick one up at the Welcome Center. Be an informed voter. And pray and seek wisdom from God so that you can vote for biblical principles. Remember, no matter who is elected as President, Jesus is Lord and His plan and purposes will be fulfilled.
Thanks to the Children's Ministry for volunteering yesterday at St. Andrew's Brown Bag Ministry to make and distribute food to those in need. Another opportunity to serve our community & spread the Gospel is this afternoon at 2pm when we minister at Cary Health & Rehab.
We have Voter's Guides for the NC races. Pick one up at the Welcome Center. Be an informed voter. And pray and seek wisdom from God so that you can vote for biblical principles. Remember, no matter who is elected as President, Jesus is Lord and His plan and purposes will be fulfilled.