I hope that everyone's Lent is going well. One of reasons we participate in Lent is that it's a great reminder that all of our Christian life is about denying self. As our bodies desire that food or activity, we deny it. Likewise, we are to deny our sinful and selfish desires daily to follow Christ. May our fasts during Lent remind us of our daily need to deny self, take up our cross, and follow Christ.
Don't forget to sign up and participate in Serve Thy Neighbor. Don't miss the opportunity to be missional in your neighborhood by serving others.
The next Ecuador Info Meeting is tomorrow (3/12) at 6:30 at Cary COG. If you are even remotely considering going to Ecuador, then please plan to attend this meeting. You will need to bring your $100 deposit and copy of your passport. Even if you decide later that you cannot go, the $100 deposit would go towards the mission trip (a worthy investment).
Men, join us for a movie night on Friday. We will fellowship at 6:30pm and start the movie at 7pm. We'll be watching the movie, Courageous. This is open to all men and their sons.
Just a reminder that the next three months are going to be critical for the church to make budget. We are asking that you please continue to give at least 5% more. If you are able to give more, please do so. Your generosity is greatly appreciated and goes to helping the church fulfill its mission to make disciples.
Don't forget to sign up and participate in Serve Thy Neighbor. Don't miss the opportunity to be missional in your neighborhood by serving others.
The next Ecuador Info Meeting is tomorrow (3/12) at 6:30 at Cary COG. If you are even remotely considering going to Ecuador, then please plan to attend this meeting. You will need to bring your $100 deposit and copy of your passport. Even if you decide later that you cannot go, the $100 deposit would go towards the mission trip (a worthy investment).
Men, join us for a movie night on Friday. We will fellowship at 6:30pm and start the movie at 7pm. We'll be watching the movie, Courageous. This is open to all men and their sons.
Just a reminder that the next three months are going to be critical for the church to make budget. We are asking that you please continue to give at least 5% more. If you are able to give more, please do so. Your generosity is greatly appreciated and goes to helping the church fulfill its mission to make disciples.