Thanks to everyone that participated in the Spring Spruce Up on yesterday. The savings we got from doing the clean up ourselves is in the thousands! So your time and effort is greatly appreciated. And the winner of the zone challenge goes to Zone 4 (for the most participants and hours worked)!
The Fish Fry scheduled for Saturday will be rescheduled to a later date.
There's still time to participate in Serve Thy Neighbor before this quarter is over. Here's a great service idea: as the pollen settles, offer to wash your neighbor's car.
In anticipation of next quarter's Invite Thy Neighbor, we have flyers for our Easter weekend celebration that you can use to invite neighbors. We have a few flyers available at the Welcome Center but I want to encourage most of you to download it from the church family website.
All members have received an email to complete a skills profile. If you're a member and did not receive this email, update the church office with your current email address (use the Connection Card, email, or call the church office). I encourage everyone to please complete the profile.
No Communion next Sunday but we will celebrate it on Easter Sunrise Service.
The next couple of months are going to be critical for us to make budget. Thanks to all who sacrificed to give more. We are asking that you please continue to give more at least 5% more. If you are able to give more, please do so.
The Fish Fry scheduled for Saturday will be rescheduled to a later date.
There's still time to participate in Serve Thy Neighbor before this quarter is over. Here's a great service idea: as the pollen settles, offer to wash your neighbor's car.
In anticipation of next quarter's Invite Thy Neighbor, we have flyers for our Easter weekend celebration that you can use to invite neighbors. We have a few flyers available at the Welcome Center but I want to encourage most of you to download it from the church family website.
All members have received an email to complete a skills profile. If you're a member and did not receive this email, update the church office with your current email address (use the Connection Card, email, or call the church office). I encourage everyone to please complete the profile.
No Communion next Sunday but we will celebrate it on Easter Sunrise Service.
The next couple of months are going to be critical for us to make budget. Thanks to all who sacrificed to give more. We are asking that you please continue to give more at least 5% more. If you are able to give more, please do so.