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Showing posts from January, 2011

Pray for Bereaved, Church Family Meeting, Giving Statements (Pastoral Emphasis for 1/30)

Thanks to all for your support for Deacon Whitney's Homegoing service yesterday. Christ was exalted and the Gospel was presented. Continue to pray for the Whitney family as well as others who have recent bereavement: Sis. Jaqueline Higgins - passing of her husband Sis. Ebone Mouzone - passing of her grandmother Deacon Johnson - passing of his sister Another reminder that our first Church Family Meeting of the year is tomorrow at 7:00pm. We will have an Ecuador presentation from Pastor Richard Dial and a few of his students. All members are asked to be present. Radical Experiment 2011 Update Today's Scripture Reading: Exodus 36-38 Today's Country: Malaysia (63% Muslim; 9% Christian) Your giving statement for 2010 will be available for pickup at the church starting on this Wednesday. You will be able to pick up your statement the next two Sundays and then we will mail out the remaining ones. If your address has changed recently, please let us know so that we can update ...

If I was the Devil

If I Was The Devil - from Denton Bible on Vimeo . If I was the devil, tell you what I'd do, I would try to deceive you and get you into error. I would get you off base. If you still stayed true, I would try to disqualify you. I would get you immoral. I would get you where no one would believe what came out of your mouth. I would make you a TABLOID, where nobody believed you. I would remove your confidence where you were afraid to speak because your life was such a shamble. I would get you into sin. I would prowl like a roaring lion to devour you morally and if I couldn't do that, I would try to make you successful and I would distract you if I couldn't disqualify you. I would get you BUSY. I would get you so distracted and disattracted from the Gospel that no longer would your prayers be about holiness and souls, they would only be about the bottom line in your business. I would get you MATERIALISTIC and no longer concerned about the spiritual nature of...

Mission Trip Update, Sanctity of Human Life Sunday (Pastoral Emphasis for 1/23)

The Church Family Meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 31st, at 7:00pm. We will have updates on our mission trips planning. Pastor Richard Dial (from Cary Church of God ) along with some of his students will join us to give an Ecuador presentation. I'm asking all members (including our youth) to join us. Radical Experiment 2011 Update Scripture Reading: Exodus 16-18 Yesterday's Country: Haiti Today's Country: Hungary (88% Christians) Today is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday Since humans are made in the image of God (the Latin term is Imago Dei ), all life is precious and has inherent value. In Exodus 1, we see the first government sanctioned killing of babies. Pharaoh ordered the midwives to kill Hebrews male babies but because they feared God, they refused. One of the babies who was saved was Moses who would later led his people out of slavery. In Matthew 2, Herod orders the killing of boys under age of 2. But Jesus survives this to willingly give His life on the Cros...

God's Revelation, Radical Experiment Update (Pastoral Emphasis for 1/16)

Many world religions say that you can never know God and have a personal relationship with Him. Although we can never fully know God now, He has revealed Himself to us. He has revealed Himself through creation. This is called general revelation. Psalms 19:1-4 (NLT) says... The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known. They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard. Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world. God has made a home in the heavens for the sun. God also reveals Himself through His Word. This is special revelation. As the J Allen Lewis Children's Choir sang this morning, "Yes, Jesus loves me...for the Bible tells me so!" The Bible tells us how God loves us and saves us through His Son, Jesus Christ. So we do not serve a God who has not revealed Himself to us or does not want to have a relationshi...

Prayer for Arizona Shooting, Spiritual Growth Opportunities (Pastoral Emphasis from 1/9)

Pray for those involved and affected by the Arizona shooting . Six are dead (including a federal judge) and twelve are injured. This is more evidence of the sinful depravity of man. Events like this should add a sense of urgency for us to spread the Gospel to our community. Don't forgot the opportunities during week for spiritual growth: Prayer on Tuesday evening at 6pm; Bible Study on Wednesday evening at 7pm and Thursday morning at 9am; and of course, Sunday School right before the service. Today's Radical Experiment Update Scripture Reading: Genesis 27-29 Country: Cambodia (83% Buddhist; but an open door for ministry remains) Ecuador Trip: Leaving July 16 or 17 for 1 week; estimated cost: $1500-1600; we hope to get a presentation from Cary Church of God at our upcoming Church Family Meeting.

Happy New Year, Radical Theme (Pastoral Emphasis for 1/2)

Since this is my first blog post for the year, let me say Happy New Year. Don't forget that the Mt. Zion FAMILY POWER HOUR kicks off next Sunday. It will be held on 2nd and 4th Sundays at 8:30am. Families of all sizes are welcome. Theme for 2011 is "Radical". On 1/1, we started the Radical Experiment . This Wednesday, 1/5, we start the 8-week Radical Bible Study series . I'm excited for us to dig deeper into the Radical message and then practically apply it through the Radical Experiment so that it becomes more than head knowledge but our hearts are transformed by the glory of God.