As adults, we get pretty excited about a lot of things. Some get excited about new cars, homes, clothes, etc. Personally, I get excited about computers, gadgets, turtles (the candy not the animal), and chocolate cake! But do we get excited about sharing the Gospel to others?
Here's a wonderful story from one of the parents at my church about the excitement her son had to share the Gospel with a classmate...
When I picked up Dominic last week from school he was running down the sidewalk as fast as could to get to me. Out of breath, he says with great excitement, "I had the best day ever at school, Mama!" I ask why and he proceeds to tell me that he and his friend got to share the Gospel with another classmate on the playground. They talked about Jesus and what Christmas is really all about, Passover, Easter and "on and on" he tells me. Then he says to me "Mama, I don't know if he believed me or not but I'm excited I was able to plant the seed!" This was at the beginning of last week and every day so far this child has asked Dominic more and more about Jesus! Praise God! Dominic's excitement reminded me how we all should be when we get the opportunity to share the Gospel!
This is a great reminder of why we should have child-like faith in the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I hope all of us can have "the best day ever..." because we had the opportunity to share the Good News!