Well, we had our very last worship service at our old location (8500 Chapel Hill Road) on Sunday at 4pm. The Mt Zion Mass Choir was simply awesome. I preached from Joshua 4 on the topic, "Never Forget How You Crossed Over". We had an amazing time celebrating what God has done for us at our old location and looking forward to what God will do when we relocate to our new facilities. If you were there, tell me what you thought about the last service.
Our Building Dedication/Open House for the new church is Saturday, Oct. 6 starting at 10am. First service at the new location (316 Allen Lewis Drive) is Oct. 7 (Sunday School at 8:30am and Worship Service at 9:45am). I remind all of our members to please be considerate of our new neighbors and use Evans Road to enter. Click here for directions.
Our parents and teens have completed the Pray21 campaign. This week should have helped the teens understand that becoming what God wants can be painful. Expect hard times but through them, hang onto God as He reshapes you. Maturity relies on God’s strength and the burden becomes light. Many of our youth have said they realized that they could survive without Facebook and MySpace so I hope they continue to pray and fast in order to hear more clearly from God.
Our Building Dedication/Open House for the new church is Saturday, Oct. 6 starting at 10am. First service at the new location (316 Allen Lewis Drive) is Oct. 7 (Sunday School at 8:30am and Worship Service at 9:45am). I remind all of our members to please be considerate of our new neighbors and use Evans Road to enter. Click here for directions.
Our parents and teens have completed the Pray21 campaign. This week should have helped the teens understand that becoming what God wants can be painful. Expect hard times but through them, hang onto God as He reshapes you. Maturity relies on God’s strength and the burden becomes light. Many of our youth have said they realized that they could survive without Facebook and MySpace so I hope they continue to pray and fast in order to hear more clearly from God.