Don't forget about our sick & shut-in. Keep them in your prayers. The names are available on our website and on the church bulletin board.
The Couples Ministry is sponsoring a fundraiser for their 2008 Fall Retreat. By purchasing a ticket for Langston Hughes' Gospel Musical, "Black Nativity", 50% of the sales will go to the ministry. The musical is December 21, 2007. Pick up flyer at the Welcome Center for more details.
The 2007 Thanksgiving Assistance Program ends Sun., Nov. 4th. This program is designed to offer assistance to families in our church and community during the holiday season. Our goal is to provide assistance to 50 families. Please stop by the Welcome Center for more details and to fill out a form.
The Church Family Meeting is scheduled for tomorrow (10/29) at 7:00pm. All members are asked to be present.
The Couples Ministry is sponsoring a fundraiser for their 2008 Fall Retreat. By purchasing a ticket for Langston Hughes' Gospel Musical, "Black Nativity", 50% of the sales will go to the ministry. The musical is December 21, 2007. Pick up flyer at the Welcome Center for more details.
The 2007 Thanksgiving Assistance Program ends Sun., Nov. 4th. This program is designed to offer assistance to families in our church and community during the holiday season. Our goal is to provide assistance to 50 families. Please stop by the Welcome Center for more details and to fill out a form.
The Church Family Meeting is scheduled for tomorrow (10/29) at 7:00pm. All members are asked to be present.