Apex Baptist Church will launch a “How to Drug Proof Your Kids” program on 1/21 at 5:15pm. More details on website at community connections.
Thank you for your giving to help the people of Darfur. Because of your generosity, we were able to donate $1,500 to Samaritan’s Purse for their Sudan Darfur Disaster Recovery Project.
Please mark your calendars...we are moving our Church Family Meeting to 1/15 at 7pm. We have exciting and important information to share so we need all members in attendance.
Thank you for your giving to help the people of Darfur. Because of your generosity, we were able to donate $1,500 to Samaritan’s Purse for their Sudan Darfur Disaster Recovery Project.
Please mark your calendars...we are moving our Church Family Meeting to 1/15 at 7pm. We have exciting and important information to share so we need all members in attendance.