We’re having a Community Health Fair on 10/21 from 11 am to 2 pm. The health fair will consist of cancer education, spiritual wellness, suicide prevention & awareness, how to navigate the health system, and more. There will be games, prizes, and a food truck. This event is free and open to the public.
Everyone is invited to the Missions: Triangle Conference on Oct. 28. The conference is free. You can register at missionstriangle.org.
Our next Church-Wide Prayer Rally is Tuesday from 7 to 8 pm. The Care Ministry will be hosting our time of corporate prayer. You can also submit your prayer requests online or in the prayer request box at the back of the sanctuary.
Our church website is in need of a redesigning. We recently sent out a survey via Realm that will help us design a site that is user friendly and will encourage all members to use it to its full capacity. Please take some time to take the survey.
Next Sunday, we're back in the book of Revelation to resume our series, “The Victory of Jesus and His Church”. Read chapters 15-16.