We have a different topic to pray for each month led by an elder. This month's prayer topic is Suffering (Physical, Mental Depression). Today, we focused on “Suffering From Depression”. It's a false assumption that a Christian is always “happy”. A
Christian can struggle with depression and yet have the joy of the
Lord. Today's call to worship scripture is a psalm of lament. A lament is
a passionate expression of grief (like a loud cry). A biblical lament is a prayer in pain that leads to trust in God.
The Psalmist cried earnestly in the night from his troubled spirit, searching his soul for an answer to his distress. He found comfort in meditating on God’s mighty deliverance in the Exodus. My prayer is that when the dark clouds of depression surround God's people that they remember all the mighty work of God in their lives, especially the redemptive work of Jesus on the cross.
If you're struggling with depression, I would encourage you to get connected to the right resources. We have members (Min. Rasheeda Oliver and Deaconess Tasha Smith) who can help with this. If you have had thoughts about taking your own life, PLEASE do not take matters into your own hands but seek help (talk to someone or call 988).
We welcome the following family who recently joined on Christian experience: Hilson and Shanna Sanon and their children: Jeremiah (age 14); Naomi (age 12); Mya & Malachi (twins),
(age 10); Timothy (age 9); Amari (age 7); Queen-April (age 6); and Faith (age 4).
We welcome our newest member, who has completed her New Members Orientation and Membership Interview: Sis. Mary Bailey
Ladies (18 & over), there's an opportunity for ladies to spend some time with the girls at Corral Riding on Saturday, September 9th, from 12:30pm-2:00pm. Lunch will be provided, and you will enjoy a time of painting and chatting as Min. Rasheeda Oliver shares how we are God’s Masterpiece. There are limited slots available. So, please sign up via the Eventbrite link.