Recently Come Forward:
- Jamiyah Clark - Trusted Christ as Personal Savior & Candidate for Baptism
- Darlene Evans - Joined on Christian Experience
We are thankful for all of our veterans in the church.
We have a special invitation for Saturday, December 10 from Corral Riding Academy, a faith-motivated nonprofit that equips adolescent girls in high-risk situations. This holiday event is free from 10 am to 1 pm. This would be a great chance to meet the youth, learn about Corral Riding’s mission, and prepare to serve as a part of our church-wide outreach with Corral Riding. I will email via Realm the registration link this week. Contact Evangelist Tayon Dancy if you have any questions.
Ladies, your next Titus 2 TEA is on 11/19 at 9am. The speaker will be Missie Branch, Assistant Dean of Students to Women at SEBTS. You will be discussing building a sisterly community. Registration via Realm and the QR code closes on Tuesday.
Our last Prayer Rally for the year will be Tuesday, 11/15 from 7 to 8pm. Our Singles Ministry will be hosting.