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Showing posts from December, 2021

Virtual New Year's Eve Service, 2022 Church Theme, Bible Reading Plan (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/26)

Join us for our Virtual New Year’s Eve Service . Gather with family and friends around the TV, laptop, or device at 11pm. We'll celebrate with praise and worship and a brief Word from the Lord. Then we'll do something different. We'll end our prayer and then countdown to the New Year. So get your noisemakers ready and let's usher in the New Year virtually together.  Our 2022 Church Theme is Moving to the Right: Growing as a Disciple of Christ . We'll be focusing on growing in our sanctification and spiritual maturity.  Bible Study will resume on January 5 . We'll be doing something unique...our topic for the year is the Life of Christ . We'll cover the one perfect life of Jesus from the preludes to His ministry to His ascension. This means we'll cover all of the four Gospels in the NT.  Join us for our January Foundation Fellowship. The topic will be Counter Culture: Following Christ in an Anti-Christian Culture .  In order to grow spiritually, we need ...

No Bible Study, Media Setup Help, Merry Christmas (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/19)

There will be no Bible Study for the next two weeks. We'll resume on January 5. We have exciting plans for Bible Study next year. More details to come.  Provided nothing changes with the omicron variant , we're planning to resume meeting in person for Bible Study next month but we'll continue to offer the virtual connection via WebEx (similar to how we currently do Foundation Fellowship). We are forming a team that can help with setting up for Foundation Fellowship and Bible Study. This will help so the burden is not placed on a couple of people. We'll train you, we just need some willing and available people. Please contact Elder Dunn if you would like to serve in this capacity. If you don't have your picture on your profile in Realm, we want to help you. Having your picture in Realm is so helpful to match faces with names. After church services, stop by the room past the Media Room on the left to get your picture taken.  I want to wish everyone a very Merry Ch...

Holiday Gift Card Drive, Titus 2 Women's T.E.A. Postponed, Open House (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/12)

I'm pleased to announce that Alexis Thermitus, age 12 (Daughter of Evens & Phoebe Thermitus) has come forward to trust in Christ as her personal Lord and Savior and she is a candidate for baptism . Please be in prayer for the following members and their families as they grieve the loss of a loved one...  Sis. Leanne Lennon - the passing of her father  Evangelist Tayon Dancy - the passing of her grandmother who lived to be 105!  Thank you all for your generosity towards our Holiday Gift Card Drive for the Homeless . Through last Sunday, we have collected 63 cards valued at $700.00. With the $500 match, we have $1,200 worth of gift cards ! But it's not over yet. You can still bring in some gift cards because the drive does not end until December 19.  In light of many ladies desiring to support Evangelist Tayon at the Homegoing Celebration of her grandmother, the Titus 2 Women’s T.E.A. that was scheduled for Saturday will be postponed until a later date. This...

Holiday Gift Card Drive, December Birthdays & Anniversaries, Children's & Youth Ministries Open House (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/5)

We are partnering with Triangle Family Services to collect gift cards this holiday season for the homeless. Please bring in $5 or $10 McDonald's gift cards and/or $25 Walmart gift cards. You will drop the gift cards into the offering receptacles. The drive will end on December 19.  Happy Birthday to our December babies . It's hard to believe that my baby (Gabrielle) is turning 15 at the end of this month! And a BIG SHOUT-OUT to Sis. Lois Arrington who celebrated her 96th birthday on Thursday.      Our December’s Senior Birthday Surprise goes to Bro. Louis Eldridge !  Happy Anniversary to our December couples ...    Our Children's and Youth Ministries are very ready to resume their ministry to our children. Next Sunday, they will have an Open House right after the service for parents and anyone else interested to finding out what's in store. For questions, please contact Daureen Richards for Children's Ministry or Jae Smith for Youth Minist...