What Christians Believe About Their Mission, November Birthdays & Anniversaries (Pastoral Emphasis for 11/1)
Today, we concluded our Christianity 101 series with a message on what Christians believe about their mission from Matt. 28:18-20. Since Jesus has the authority to command us, He tells us to go and make disciples. Jesus is NOT making a suggestion. This is the Great Commission, not the Great Suggestion.
Making disciples includes two components: evangelism and discipling. Evangelism is sharing the Gospel with the aim to persuade. Discipling is helping believers in their spiritual walk to be more like Jesus. It's an intentional relationship in which we invest in the lives of other believers to encourage, equip, and challenge one another to grow towards maturity in Christ. We have everything we need to obey Jesus and make disciples because Jesus is with us. So even when you and I fail at evangelism and discipling, Jesus is still there! Aren't you glad about that? He forgives and restores. Let us repent and get started again.
Happy Birthday to all the November babies.
Happy Anniversaries to our November couples.