Prayer Rally with Trinity Park, Theological Seminar, Celebrating 155 Years (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/18)
Join us for a special Prayer Rally on Tuesday from 7 to 8 pm where we'll be joined by Trinity Park Church. Let's come together as two churches to pray to our Heavenly Father.
Mark your calendars for a unique Theological Seminar. On Friday, 10/30 at 7 pm, we're going to watch the film American Gospel outdoors. The American Gospel film examines how the prosperity gospel (the Word of Faith movement) has distorted the gospel message. Then on Saturday, 10/31, we'll have our virtual Theological Seminar at 9 am to discuss the message and content of the film.
Next Sunday, we'll be having our Church Family Meeting after the service. More details to come this week on how we'll do our meeting.
Today is the day for our Virtual 155th Church Celebration. Tune in to Zion Live (or other streaming platforms) at 4 pm ET to watch the celebration. After it's over, jump on our WebEx for a special message from our Cary PD and a time of fellowship and reflections.