Happy Mother's Day! Proverbs 31:28 says "Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her". We honored all of the moms today at church. But we also remember and pray for those who have lost their moms,
those who lost children, those who desire to be moms but it
hasn't happened, and those who have a strained relationship with their mothers.
Thanks to all who attended yesterday's Theological Seminar. If you missed it, I would encourage you to watch the recording. It will change your perspective on work even working at a job that you might hate.
All men are invited to the first fellowship of the new ImageBearers Men’s Group on May 18th at 8am in the MPR. Food and drinks will be provided. See Minister Jae Smith to reserve your spot.
Men, register for the upcoming Men’s Conference on June 7-8. The conference will include praise & worship, panelists, and sessions on "Working for HIM at Work", "Servant Leadership at Home", and "Living Out the Call". Registration is $35 which includes conference materials and meals.
Thanks to all who attended yesterday's Theological Seminar. If you missed it, I would encourage you to watch the recording. It will change your perspective on work even working at a job that you might hate.
All men are invited to the first fellowship of the new ImageBearers Men’s Group on May 18th at 8am in the MPR. Food and drinks will be provided. See Minister Jae Smith to reserve your spot.
Men, register for the upcoming Men’s Conference on June 7-8. The conference will include praise & worship, panelists, and sessions on "Working for HIM at Work", "Servant Leadership at Home", and "Living Out the Call". Registration is $35 which includes conference materials and meals.