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Showing posts from December, 2017

Both Hands Project, 2018 Church Theme, New Year's Eve Service (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/31)

One of our members, Sis. Griffin, received an awesome benefit recently. Sis. Nikki Sanders, who is a member of New Dimensions Fellowship Church (Pastor Wright), is seeking to adopt and did a fundraiser through Both Hands that helps the person adopting as well as a widow with home renovations.   (Click here if you can't see the video) Check out Sis. Nikki Sander's adoption journey . If you'd like to donate to her adoption fund, please go to Our church theme for 2018 is "Maturing in Christ: Growing and Reproducing Spiritually". Since our goal is to mature in Christ, join us for our next Bible Study series, The Gospel Primer, starting on January 3rd at 7pm. You might know things about the Gospel but do you really know the GOSPEL? We will learn how the Gospel of Jesus Christ transforms our identities and reshapes our lives. This series will help you mature in the Gospel so that it flows naturally out of your ...

The Gospel Primer, NYE Service, Merry Christmas (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/24)

We will not have Elder-led Prayer or Bible Study on Wednesday. Bible Study will resume on 1/3/18 with a new series called the Gospel Primer. We will dig into the Gospel to see how the Good News of Jesus Christ transforms our lives.   Everyone is invited to join us for our New Year's Eve service on next Sunday starting at 10pm. Also, Wolf's Backyard Cuisine food truck will be setup after the service. There are 53 Sundays this year and we had thought that would only be 51 Sundays in 2018 so we were going to end our fiscal year on 12/30. But it turns out that there are a full 52 Sundays in 2018, so we can end our fiscal year on 12/31. So your giving on 12/31 will be counted for 2017. Sorry about any confusion. Have you ever been to a birthday party where you didn't know the person having the birthday. You can enjoy the party and its benefits (cake, dancing, etc) but it's hallow when you don't have a relationship with the birthday person. But when you know the ...

Holiday Extravaganza Thanks, Last Bible Study, Special Love Offering (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/17)

Thanks to all who attended and participated in yesterday's Holiday Extravaganza. I want to personally thank the hospitality, IT Media, and Ushers ministries for going above and beyond to serve at the event. And a big shout-out to Deaconess Peggy Credle for coordinating the logistics from our side. Today, I had the privilege to dedicate a baby and baptize two boys. Praise God for these young lives. We are taking a break from the book of Mark and will be returning to it in January. This Wednesday will be our last Bible Study for the year. We'll be doing a review of the last volume and have a time of fellowship. Today, we raised a special love offering to help a family at West Cary Middle School that is in need for the Christmas holiday. This family has recently lost their father, whom was the breadwinner, so the mother is trying her best to make ends meet. Let's give generously to be a blessing to this family and show them the love of Christ. Please...

God Saves & Heals, Senior Members Fellowship, Holiday Extravaganza (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/10)

We give all praises to God who has saved three individuals over the past two weeks: an adult and two children. Heaven rejoices when just one sinner repents! Soli Deo Gloria! We were also praising God for healing Sis. Francine Thorne. Sis. Thorne shared her testimony about how her cancer returned (for the third time) and she went to Georgia for a second opinion. The doctors there gave her the same diagnosis but when they did a biopsy, the results came back with NO CANCER!! God truly has the final say so. He has more work for Sis. Thorne to do. A couple of years ago, the elders started fellowshipping with our senior members over a meal during the Christmas holiday. We will be doing it again this year.  We don't want to miss anyone, so if we have not contacted you and you're a member age 70 or older who would like to participate, please contact the church office. Everyone is invited to join us for a Holiday Extravaganza on 12/16 at 4 pm at Mt. Zion . This event is co-sponsor...

The Gift Christmas Program, Holiday Extravaganza (Pastoral Emphasis for 12/3)

Our Christmas Program, "The Gift", will be held on Saturday, December 9th, at 3:00pm. You don’t want to miss it. Come out and bring a friend. I hope to see you there! Everyone is invited to join us for a Holiday Extravaganza on 12/16 at 4pm at Mt. Zion . This event is co-sponsored by my pastors prayer group (PPT). Our churches will get together for an evening of worship, music, sacred arts, and fellowship. We'll also be collecting items for a Winter Drive. Please bring coats, hats, gloves, socks, blankets, toiletries, etc.  We want to bless those who are in need during the winter.