How do you define God's glory? Defining it is kinda like defining beauty. The Hebrew word for "glory" is kabod, which means weight, heaviness. In other words, there's a weightiness to God's glory. The glory of God is the weight of all that God is. John Piper describes the glory of God as the manifest beauty of his holiness. So if there's a weightiness to God, then there should be a weightiness to the praise and glory that we give Him. God is deserving of sincere and pure praise (not superficial, half-hearted praise). To glorify God is to make much of His greatness. God should be honored and worshipped. Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God alone)!
The Christian Education Committee would like to thank the Mt. Zion Church family for making the 2017 VBS special and successful. We are grateful that you allowed God to use you for His glory and growth of His kingdom.
We start volume 3 of our Discipleship Journey in Bible Study. Even if you've missed the other volumes, now is a great time to start. On Wednesday, we'll be looking at finding Christ in Scripture. When we immerse ourselves in God's Word, we'll better know how to be followers of Christ.
The Christian Education Committee would like to thank the Mt. Zion Church family for making the 2017 VBS special and successful. We are grateful that you allowed God to use you for His glory and growth of His kingdom.
We start volume 3 of our Discipleship Journey in Bible Study. Even if you've missed the other volumes, now is a great time to start. On Wednesday, we'll be looking at finding Christ in Scripture. When we immerse ourselves in God's Word, we'll better know how to be followers of Christ.