On Wednesday, we continue our Discipleship Journey in Bible Study. We'll be looking what did Jesus do. Jesus is worth following because only He can solve our deepest problem (which is spiritual not material).
Do you know about the theological influences that helped shape the black faith? The history of black Christianity is a miraculous story that is often overlooked in accounts of the American church. Mt. Zion and LAMP Seminary RDU are co-sponsoring our next Theological Seminar on the History of the Black Church on Saturday, April 22nd from 9:00am to 11:15am. Walter Strickland, SEBTS, will be presenting. This story is not just for black Christians, but for all of God’s people because knowing one another’s stories is an act of love that is the groundwork for reconciliation. Please register for the seminar online at http://bit.ly/blkchurch.
Today is Palm Sunday which marks the start of Jesus' last week before His death. As Jews were gathering to celebrate the Passover, Jesus enters the Holy City of Jerusalem riding on a donkey, thus fulfilling OT prophecy as the coming Messiah.
Join us for all of our services and activities on Easter weekend as we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As a part of making disciples, invite others to come and celebrate the Risen Savior with us!

Today is Palm Sunday which marks the start of Jesus' last week before His death. As Jews were gathering to celebrate the Passover, Jesus enters the Holy City of Jerusalem riding on a donkey, thus fulfilling OT prophecy as the coming Messiah.
Join us for all of our services and activities on Easter weekend as we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As a part of making disciples, invite others to come and celebrate the Risen Savior with us!
- Good Friday Service on April 14th, at 6:30 - 7:30pm
- Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 15th, at 2pm
- Annual Easter Program on April 15th, from 3:00pm – 4:00pm
- Easter Sunrise Service and Communion on Sunday, April 16th, at 6:00am. We will have breakfast after the service. There will not be Sunday School or a 10am service.