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Showing posts from June, 2016

Orlando Shooting, Happy Father's Day, Donations Needed During VBS (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/19)

It has happened again. Another mass shooting. In Orlando, a man shot and killed 49 people and injured at least 53 people in a nightclub . As Christians, our response should be to pray for the victim's families and those injured and look for ways to love and serve our neighbors. Sadly, because this was a "gay" nightclub, some "Christians" are showing hate instead of love. I even heard a report of one Baptist pastor who rejoiced over this tragedy, saying more of "them" should have been killed. But this is not even God's attitude.  God said in Ezekiel 33:11 : "Say to them, As I live, declares the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked , but that the wicked turn from his way and live ; turn back, turn back from your evil ways, for why will you die, O house of Israel?" How should we think about a disaster like this? Read Luke 13:1-5 . People often try to find a connection between disaster and iniquity (deeming victims of a d...

VBS Registration, Children's Day (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/12)

Registration for VBS has begun and will continue through June 19th. VBS will be June 22nd - 26th.  Today is Children's Day and our children led our worship service.  They called us to worship, prayed, signed, recited Scripture, and sang.  We also recognized those children who were promoted to the next class in Children's Church.  We are very grateful for our children and praise God that we have the opportunity to raise and disciple them. Sis. Gabriel Carr's daughter, Ashante Ramirez, brought the Word today. She spoke on our church theme, "Abide in Christ, Bear Much Fruit" from John 15:1-5 . Ashante reminded us that to abide in Christ means that we must trust Him. And we cannot bear fruit unless we are connected to Christ. She did great job delivering the sermon today.

VBS Registration, Congrats to Grads, 2016 JA Lewis Scholarship Winner (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/5)

Bereavement: Deaconess Shirley Smith's brother passed in Texas last week. Please be in prayer for Deaconess Smith and family during their time of bereavement. Registration for VBS has begun and will continue through June 19th. VBS which will be June 22nd - 26th. We'll have classes on Thursday through Friday.  On Saturday, we'll go out to serve our community at With Love From Jesus and the Helen Wright Center.  On Sunday, we'll finish up our VBS class during the Sunday School hour, have church service, and then food trucks will be available for lunch. Children's Day is next Sunday and our children will be leading the service. Normally we would acknowledge our High School graduates at that service but due to scheduling conflicts we recognized them today.   Congrats to our two graduates: Philip Credle and Braxton Payton.  Both will be going to college to further their education. Braxton is also the 2016 recipient of the J.A. Lewis Scholarship. Braxton graduat...