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Showing posts from June, 2013

Responding to SCOTUS Rulings, New Sermon Series, Summer Giving (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/30)

Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: 2 Chronicles 19-23  If you've paid attention to the recent Supreme Court rulings, you'll know that they struck down the DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act). And watch that in the near future, someone will sue a state where same-sex marriage is not legal which will lead to its legalization across the country. We live in perilous times but God is still in control.  Check out this bulletin insert for more details. Pray for our nation and most importantly let's spread the Gospel and make disciples! This week, there will be NO Prayer & Testimony Service and Bible Study on Wednesday, July 3rd, and NO Bible Study on Thursday morning, July 4th. And we will not have Communion on next Sunday but on the second Sunday, July 14. Mark your calendars for a couple of my speaking engagements. On 7/11, I'll be preaching at a revival in Wake Forest for Converting Hearts Ministries . On 7/14, I'll be preaching at Christia...

Children's Day, OK Tornado Relief Donation, 2013 JA Lewis Memorial Scholarship Winner (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/9)

Today is Children's Day and our children and youth will be leading us in worshipping Christ.  We also recognize those students graduating from High School. VBS starts tomorrow (6/10), each night at 6:45 but 6:30 on Friday. Make sure to register and pay today at the registration table or online. This afternoon at 4pm, Deacon Matthew Darby delivers his Initial Sermon. Everyone is invited to join us for this special occasion! Thank you for your generous giving for the OK Tornado Relief. We raised $2,000 to donate to a local church, the People's Church , that’s ministering to its community. And the recipient of the 2013 JA Lewis Memorial Scholarship is Brittany Jones!

PRAISE REPORT, Faulty Doctrine, Initial Sermon,Moore Tornado Relief (Pastoral Emphasis for 6/2)

PRAISE REPORT: We closed on refinancing our loan with a different bank! We had a couple of hiccups along the way (with the appraisal amount and would the bank cover the full amount we needed) but God is gracious and faithful to us! Soli Deo Gloria! Today's reading from the Chronological Reading Plan: Song of Solomon 1-8 We're currently going through 2 Timothy. As we've seen, one of the themes in this letter is enduring against false teachers in the church. False and faulty doctrine must be avoided! (Click here if you can't see the video) VBS is next week, 6/10-14. Make sure that you and your family are registered for a great time of learning and fun. You can register online . Next Sunday is our annual Children's Day. We will also be recognizing the High School graduates. Our children and youth will be actively participating in the service. And I will be finishing up our series in 2 Timothy as well. I'm happy to announce that Deacon Matthew Darby ...