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Showing posts from October, 2012

Church Family Meeting, Initial Sermon, Pastor John from Uganda (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/28)

Our Church Family Meeting is tomorrow at 7pm. We will be giving updates on the ministry realignment and our finances.  All members are asked to be present. Attention, All Zone 4 Families: Please join us on Saturday, November 3rd, from 9:00am-1:00pm, to serve at " With Love from Jesus " in Raleigh, to help those in our community who are in need.  Children & Teens are welcome and needed to participate if possible.  Sign up online by Wednesday so we can let "With Love from Jesus" know how many helpers will be coming. I'm excited to announce that Bro. Gerald Vinson will deliver his Initial Sermon on next Sunday at 4:00pm. Everyone is invited to join us for this special occasion! We were blessed to have Pastor John Lutaaya from Uganda in town and worshiping with us today.  Pastor John shared about his ministries and exhorted us to pray without ceasing.  He also encouraged us with Colossians 4:17 to fulfill the ministry that we have received in the Lord. ...

Prayer 2012 was Amazing, Brown Bag Ministry Outreach, Voter's Guides (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/21)

Prayer 2012 was on Tuesday and it was amazing! 92 churches from different denominations and ethnicities came together for an evening of worship and prayer.  We pray confessed sins, repented, and prayed for God to move in the church and through the church to reach the lost and make disciples. We prayed that God would spark a revival in our churches! Thanks to the Children's Ministry for volunteering yesterday at St. Andrew's Brown Bag Ministry to make and distribute food to those in need.  Another opportunity to serve our community & spread the Gospel is this afternoon at 2pm when we minister at Cary Health & Rehab. We have Voter's Guides for the NC races. Pick one up at the Welcome Center. Be an informed voter.  And pray and seek wisdom from God so that you can vote for biblical principles. Remember, no matter who is elected as President, Jesus is Lord and His plan and purposes will be fulfilled.

Prayer 2012, Last Quarter for Radical Love, Children Serving the Community (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/14)

For those who have signed up to attend Prayer 2012 on Tuesday: Sis. Tammy Larkins has your tickets. You will need your ticket to get in (no exceptions). If you are not able to attend, please let me or Sis. Larkins know and we can make your ticket available to others. Parking is $7 so carpooling is a good idea. I suggest meeting at Mt. Zion at 6pm to carpool to the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium. This is the last quarter for our Radical Love initiative. This quarter will be a combination of all the previous projects: Know Thy Neighbor, Serve Thy Neighbor, Invite Thy Neighbor, and Witness to Thy Neighbor.  So from now until the end of the year, we will be challenged to get to know our neighbors, serve them, invite them to church, and share the Gospel with them. The Children's Ministry has planned an outreach opportunity for you and your children to serve the community. We will volunteer for the Brown Bag Ministry at St. Andrew's Church on Saturday. We will assemble bag lunche...

Praising God for last Sunday, Next Offering of FPU (Pastoral Emphasis for 10/7)

We praise God for those who came forward on last Sunday.  We had 3 to join the church, 6 candidates for baptism, and a whole family of 4 to trust in Christ! Soli Deo Gloria! As we start a new sermon series on stewardship, we're glad to announce our next offering of FPU (Financial Peace University). The class starts Saturday October 13th from 8:30 - 10:00am.  It will last for 9 weeks until December 15th. Haven taken the course, I highly recommend it for singles, couples, and college age. It's biblically-based, practical, and a lot of fun!  The average family completing the course pays off $5,300 and saves $2,700 in just 90 days. That's an $8,000 change in position!  Whether you're struggling in debt or you're doing okay but want to be a better manager of your finances, FPU has something for you.  The cost is $89. You can register online at . If you are not sure, you can attend the first class for free.